
Here I have a compilation of several potentially useful resources for astronomy, programming, and professional development.


Name Description
NASA ADS The go-to database for papers
arXiv Open-access paper archive
benty-fields Uses machine learning to create a personalized arXiv digest for daily papers
Astrobites/Astrobitos Paper digests written by graduate students
Cooke et al. 2022 A paper about how to read papers
NED IPAC An online knowledgebase for exgal and cosmology
CADC Repository of astronomy conferences
Astronomy Image Explorer Repository of all figures published in AAS Journals since the mid 1990s


Name Description
Python The most widely used programming language
numpy Python package for scientific computing
pandas Python package for data analysis
matplotlib The premier Python plotting package
astropy Common core Python package for astronomy research
Anaconda Widely-used Python distribution
Overleaf The most popular online LaTeX editor
GitHub The standard for version control and sharing code
Stack Overflow Discussion forum for programming-related problems
Julia Programming language designed to read like Python and perform like C
nikkos_tools My package containing a bunch of utilities I use for my research

Professional Development

Name Description
NCFDD National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity
Astrobites Fellowship List Collection of major US fellowships for astronomy students Make very easy, one-page websites
Google Sites Make slightly more involved websites without needing HTML
HTML5 UP Fully customizable HTML website templates